Eden Alternative Blog

The Leadership Transition Myth

The Leadership Transition Myth

By Denise Hyde, The Eden Alternative You’ve all heard people say that a “little turnover is expected as leaders change.” I’ve heard it too. The other thing I’ve heard is “turnover is a good thing during a transition. It is a chance to get the right people on the bus.” I’d like to offer another…

Change Agents as Wayfinders

Change Agents as Wayfinders

By Laura Beck, The Eden Alternative Life coach Martha Beck’s book, Finding Your Way in a Wild New World, captures the key qualities of what she calls a “Wayfinder.”  (No, Martha is not my kin, by the way.) Wayfinders, by her definition, look a lot like changemakers to me.  Beck describes Wayfinders as individuals driven by…

Why Are We Still Dropping The F-Bomb?

Why Are We Still Dropping The F-Bomb?

I recently reviewed the proposed CMS regulations and what struck me right away is that while the proposed changes were created to “reflect the substantial advances that have been made over the past several years in the theory and practice of service delivery and safety,” one thing hasn’t changed a bit.


Nursing Homes Need Support, Not Blame

Reposted with permission from jillvitaleaussem.com I had hoped, with the current focus on healthcare workers as heroes, that the demonizing of nursing homes would cease during the pandemic. It hasn’t. I’ve seen very few news stories blaming hospitals when patients die from COVID-19 but nearly every story about people dying in a nursing home outbreak…

Is Your Cup Too Full?

Is Your Cup Too Full?

By Denise Hyde, The Eden Alternative Our minister began a sermon recently telling the story of the Zen master. The story goes that a university professor traveled to visit a famous Zen master to learn from him. They sat down and the Zen master served the professor some tea. While the Zen master was pouring…

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